If you read anything on my profile, please write a review at #werdpink. I love to write, and I'm currently rewriting a book that will sell.
Chapter 1: Light
Outline: TRISTAN IS ALMOST ALWAYS AWKWARD UNTIL ABOUT CHAPTER 25! Begins early school year Tristan is a total right-brain Tristan’s school schedule Social Studies (good) - Mr. French (frustrated w...
Chapter 1
I woke, dreary and tired. I felt like I hadn't slept a minute. Little did I know what happened, as my eyes were closed. But then I tried to stretch. Then I realized that bars of metal were touch...
There was a pool. HATED IT! Too many ideas, can't stop thinking Music, technology, literature, inventing, ideas, warriors Bugs scare me. Really scare me. Space exploration and aliens are possible....
**This wasn't edited at all.** There's a trick to being a writer. It's all about looking around you. Inspiration is key. Remember, anything can be inspiration.