Rian Smith

Eyes Like Sky

I stare at the horizon

above the clouds

and wonder how far does it really go on

does it stretch farther than my love?

does it stretch farther then yours?

i look downwards at the white clouds

they rise into a light blue

until they realize life isn't all that it seems

and turns indigo...

then it turns almost gray

as if it's given up all hope

and knows it's meant to be the night sky

to be out-shined by the stars

at the break of day

that is what looking into my eyes is like

the first level is pretty fun to look at

right behind that, a level of optimism

the further you go back,

the more that fades

i know you see me as the clouds

but sometimes i feel like a indigo sky

fading into black

that will be out-shined by stars